Friday, June 24, 2011

These Shoes

There's an old saying that goes "you could never walk a mile in my shoes". Now there are a lot of believe who believe that, but why do they believe it. The reason is you don't know the exact reasons why a person would say that in the first place. Could that be the reason behind the saying??
We never know what most people have gone through unless they verbally themselves display that information. So "walking in their shoes" is utterly impossible.

Now taking the literal version of that same phrase can have a whole different meaning. Now I can walk in any shoe, boot, pump (youtube me lol), sandal or flip flop given. But all of you reading can't say I say to you..."You can't walk a mile in my shoes"...hehehe j/k!!

But the shoes in this picture haven't been through the same mile that the feet that occupy them have journeyed through. Why you ask? Because the shoes were just bought so they aren't old enough to have gone through the journey. That doesn't mean they are any less important because they will now do their job of a journey that they will then be able to tell a story. The feet are the most wise because without them leading the way this journey of life would be completely different and your views will then be different so therefore your actions.

I say this because judgement is rapid these days and it hinders a lot of possibly great relationships. Never out what the person looks like through their journey determine the journey you think they've encountered. Sit back and ask questions about their journey and you may find obstacles that they've come across just may be in your near future. Your feet will never take the same journey of their feet but you just might need their shoes.

You can have these when I'm done...

Friday, June 10, 2011

I Don't Normally do This but I can't refrain....

I'm not the type to go off on social networks because I sometimes feel like those rants are often ill needs for attention that ultimately won't be received. Not received because people don't have empathy or sympathy for the situation(s) stated, but because the QUANTITY of those situations. Quantities that make those situations too frequent.

But not to take this post to another subject (which is another post coming soon), I'm going to do this rant because I feel people around me forget that what you do in the dark will ALWAYS come to the light. And that karma is an evil bitch and also my best friend!!!

I was in a situation with this boi, who claimed to be a man, where I gave multiple situations of forgiveness when after the first one I shouldve learned my lesson. Now there was something about him...I guess the challenge, that kept me interested. Now though I am gonna blast his shit, I do take full responsibility of my actions because that would be immature of me no to. But he time after time of standing me up and lying about God knows what, got many more opportunities than one that I have gone on a date with got. But instead of trying to use that to his advantage he decided to continue lying and digging a deeper hole.

In one of his lies was that while we were together that he had slept with someone that I had known or had known me. And supposedly the reason for him telling me was because after not wanting to talk to the person again, the person had threatened to tell me themselves. Now at this point I decided to let the story slide (naivete kicked in) and give yet another chance. But this is where the story takes a turn.

The last draw was the last time he stood me up and basically admitted to it. This where the shit hits the fan...most recently this evening the other guy I mentioned earlier tweeted the name of this boi and I asked a simple question....ignored all attempts to rectify the situation. Now we all know I'm an observant bitch (hell how u think I get the ideas for these posts you love so mich lmao), so I can clearly put the pieces together and see that they been talking for the longest time. Not only did my naivete hinder me from seeing it but it allowed me to also be a pawn for when there was a hitch in their relationship. That's why he could never see me because then it would all hit the fan.

It amazes me how niggas don't think that they shit don't stink and they can do whatever they want. When does that thought come across their mind and they believe it. Are they that immature that they believe these fallacies of their imagination. I guess I'm the only one in the world who feels that you have to work for the things you want because only a few are born with that silver spoon. And that goes for love too. How do they expect to ever have a real relationship if they go into all of them with these ideals of their perfect world?

I know what it is!! It's the people who are weak minded enough to not realize wants going on and continue to fall deeper and deeper in lust with the bum. Yes can't fully love someone who doesn't even attempt to love in return. Its time for us to start following our guts and realizing when to cut them off. The first time!! Stop allowing these bois shaped like men living these false lives they've created. It only makes u a character in their story, and they have enjoying writing every page with your name attached.

Don't let the fear of being by yourself until the right one comes ultimately keep you unhappy because you have no real control of your heart.