Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Are You Insane???

You know I've learned something extremely interesting today. Insanity is the repetition of the same actions with the thought of a different outcome. In laymen's terms, you do the same thing over and over thinking next time it will be different. Thus, turning something that can be positive into a terrible cycle of headache and heartache.. So I have some questions for you all... Are you insane or sane?? Are you making the same mistake over and over and thinking "it'll be different this time"? Only to come to the conclusion what you thought would be is actually the exact opposite of what reality is.

Take an off again on again relationship for instance, how many of us have friends that continue breaking up with the same person over and over again and you don't understand why? I've found myself in this situation time and time again; and I find that I repeat myself more and more often. I feel that there are a lot of people stay in these relationships because of the fear of being alone. Or they "love" the person. When in actuality the main and clearest reason is that they are insane. They continue to go back and make the same decision thinking that "my relationship will be different this time". Well why in the hell would you think that when you're getting back with the same person from a week ago?? That person isn't gonna change because they know the cycle and they know you're only allowing them to be who they are. They don't have to change because you haven't changed your actions. You're only telling them that you've had enough of the bullshit that they've given you for this section of time and you need a break. So what do they do?? Go out have their fun and wait for the right moment when its convenient for them (and we've discussed "Convenience Store Love" before) to come back and start all over again. So I ask again are you sane or insane??

The person you're with is just as insane as you are because they're thinking "Lord why do we keep going thru this when I know I can get back?" They think this time he/she won't get tired of my actions and will be used to it and we won't have to keep going thru this. WRONG!!! The cycle isn't gonna change, the insanity isn't gonna end because you all are not communicating enough to get to the source of the issue. And after 3 or 4 times of the same shit, when does it hit you all that maybe the two of you may not just be that compatible. Stop fighting the inevitable because what is meant to be will be and what isn't won't.

There is a plan for all of us, and there are always signs that if something isn't working that maybe you aren't on the designed plan that was placed before you. Stop trying to make something out of nothing and destroying the precious but short time we have here. Happiness should be from within and effortless. Love in its purest is unconditional and without fear. If you fear you can't trust, communicate, or do certain things with the person that "loves" you then it isn't love. It's something else. Stop thinking that if you take the same exact steps everyday that the journey you're on will be any different. It won't!! You have to change your mindset and the decisions you make daily in order to be somewhere different. So again, sane or insane??

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