Sunday, June 1, 2014

You Can't Grow in Complacency

Sometimes people become complacent where they are their lives.  Something inside of them becomes comfortable where they are and they desire to stay in that place.  But what they have to realize is that everyone around them is not going to be comfortable with complacency and must continue to grow.  And in the growth, the complacent may be left behind.  Without regret because everything your life and being has a season.

As we mature as adults we have to realize that when you are growing you have to shed the negative and the skin (friends, lovers, brokenhearts) that's holding us back.  I say friends because as we grow the people we assume to be friends may harbor ill feelings without your knowledge and continue to mask these feelings in "friendship" because of your continuing to want to grow. Honestly, that's on them.  In growth shedding the dead weight is healthy and helps you realize what in your life is truly needed and ultimately wanted.

Lovers or lack of may be holding back what he ultimately are looking for all along....true love.  We hold onto the possible thought of already have met Mr. Big ;) that we keep going back to Mr. Wrong.  Believe me if it hasn't happened by now it's time to drop them niggas alone.  They doing what they doing cuz you letting them. Mr. Big is coming just be patient.

In letting them go the brokenhearts are gonna occur and that's okay. But take those and let them be lessons for future endeavors in love.  Don't keep holding onto the ill feelings, allow the pain to come and go and be ready to face the next day.  In every new adventure go in with an open mind and heart. When your entering go in expecting the best. It doesn't hurt to try...the hurt comes from not paying attention to the signs.  Just pay attention and be open.  I know that says a lot, but just think about it.

Complacency is not allowed.  Use all you've got and get to where you want to go and allow what needs to be shedded to be shed.  The dead weight and negative pasts leave to be left right where they are. In complacency.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Is Your Mirror Clean?

Are you the one friend that most of your friends come to for advice on various scenarios?  How often do you think to yourself after giving such great advice "Lord why can't i use this advice for my own situation"?  Do you look at your own situation and realize that you would be so much less stressed or irritable if you heeded your own advice? What is it that you know what to do but don't?

Steam on the mirror. There's your answer! Have you noticed that when company is coming over you make your home nice and tidy; when alone you just let it be what it is?  Same a this metaphorical mirror.  When we place the mirror in front of someone when giving advice, we make sure the mirror is free of streaks, cracks and even steam.  However when we face it on ourselves we steam it up.  So therefore we don't see the situation clear enough to take our own advice.

Everyone has different types of steam. There's the "I can handle my situation" steam, "my situation is different from yours" steam, and the infamous "but I..." steam. The last can be the most detrimental because there are an infinite amount of EXCUSES we use behind it.  We often don't want to face ourselves because we know subconsciously what we have to do we just CHOOSE not to deal with what our situation is.  Yet, we continue to give all this advice and lack where we need....PRACTICING WHAT WE PREACH.

Your cycle will continue as long as you continue to look into a steamed mirror. Your situation is blurred, smeared and inconsistent.  You will continue to push out knowledge, wisdom and happiness but your own situation will lack until you take something and clean your mirror.  Allow yourself the opportunity to see your own situation clearly so you can have a clear vision of what you need to do.  It will be hard to look at yourself and be 100% honest with yourself.

I spoke in my last post about sacrifice and making decisions for yourself.  Your mirror is the first step in the process.  How can you make a clear decision based on unclear information. I'm sure your attempt to help your friends in their situation is for the best but you have to have clear vision for yourself to give the best advice.

So from now on, make sure you mirror is clean before you give advice.  Your message will come across so much clearer because you have living and giving by example.  Wipe off the steam and see yourself and your situation for exactly what they are and keep it clean.  A flawless life is impossible, but seeing a clear life only eliminates the option of making a decision with blurred, flawed and steamed insight.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sacrifice. "You v. Them"

Something that I've learned in my adult life is that sacrifice is a major determining factor in where we may end up.  How many decisions have you made in your life that something had to be given up so something else could be done. I'm sure in your adult life that's an everyday occurrence.  Go on this trip or pay my light bill?  Be faithful to the love of my life or give this thot a chance to ruin all my happiness? Just examples...but hopefully you get my point.

In any decision a sacrifice has to be made and something has to be given up. I've realized that everyone, even your friends sometimes, don't realize when you are making a sacrifice for the reason of YOU.  You have to decide what will be the better outcome for yourself and not others.  In then end, others are always gonna sacrifice what they believe is best for them.  Not saying you aren't to help others out, just don't make a decision that in the long run that will have you losing.

In a world where "winning" is the objective, to stay on the winning team means sacrificing and making your life work best for the person living it...YOU.  We often make decisions by what we think others think of the decision, how someone will feel or what we think should occur.  Those days for me are over; no more trying to work out the decisions of myself and others.  You may lose somethings like friends, fun memories or love but in the end you will be able to look back and what you gained from the loss that probably wouldn't have added up to anything.

Next time you have two or more things to choose from, look at the situation and say to yourself "what's the sacrifice here"?  Weigh out all options and choose what is best for yourself. Those who feel you are making the wrong decision are only wanting you to do what's in their interest.  Everything you decide you do from here on out are for you because when you wake up and go to sleep you are the soul who has to live with every decision made.