Sunday, June 1, 2014

You Can't Grow in Complacency

Sometimes people become complacent where they are their lives.  Something inside of them becomes comfortable where they are and they desire to stay in that place.  But what they have to realize is that everyone around them is not going to be comfortable with complacency and must continue to grow.  And in the growth, the complacent may be left behind.  Without regret because everything your life and being has a season.

As we mature as adults we have to realize that when you are growing you have to shed the negative and the skin (friends, lovers, brokenhearts) that's holding us back.  I say friends because as we grow the people we assume to be friends may harbor ill feelings without your knowledge and continue to mask these feelings in "friendship" because of your continuing to want to grow. Honestly, that's on them.  In growth shedding the dead weight is healthy and helps you realize what in your life is truly needed and ultimately wanted.

Lovers or lack of may be holding back what he ultimately are looking for all along....true love.  We hold onto the possible thought of already have met Mr. Big ;) that we keep going back to Mr. Wrong.  Believe me if it hasn't happened by now it's time to drop them niggas alone.  They doing what they doing cuz you letting them. Mr. Big is coming just be patient.

In letting them go the brokenhearts are gonna occur and that's okay. But take those and let them be lessons for future endeavors in love.  Don't keep holding onto the ill feelings, allow the pain to come and go and be ready to face the next day.  In every new adventure go in with an open mind and heart. When your entering go in expecting the best. It doesn't hurt to try...the hurt comes from not paying attention to the signs.  Just pay attention and be open.  I know that says a lot, but just think about it.

Complacency is not allowed.  Use all you've got and get to where you want to go and allow what needs to be shedded to be shed.  The dead weight and negative pasts leave to be left right where they are. In complacency.

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