Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Snakes in the Grass

How many times in your life have you noticed that people aren’t really who they portray to be when you first meet them?? How many times in your life have you been betrayed by someone whom you thought was a “friend”?? How many times in your life has something occurred and you thought to yourself “is it that serious”?? I’m sure 90% of you reading those questions can’t count the number of times on your fingers or toes. Know why?? The answer is…you all don’t keep your grass cut in order for you to see all the snakes that are hiding in your lawn.

A lot of you are so busy tending to the confusion and sometimes foolishness that occurs in your house that you forget that the grass outside your house is continually growing and more and more snakes are starting to hide and live there. These snakes are watching your every move and just waiting on the time to attack. They know when you leave to go to work, take the kids to soccer practice, and even go to the grocery store, and when you least expect it they slither into your home and start causing havoc. And here you are, looking foolish because you wanted to be blind to things that would have been so evident if you were paying attention. Of course the previous was an analogy, but let’s break this down into a language you all can understand. There are many different types of snakes…the “best friend” snake, the “cheating” snake, the “sabotaging” snake, etc. Now these are the most common snakes and they snakes that attack the most. Of course there are others and some more venomous than others, but these are the most interesting and the ones that are most common.

The “best friend” snake is the snake that becomes your bestie over night and you’re just so happy that someone is trying to get to know you without any strings. So you’re here telling them all your business and keeing with them, to only find out they are taking the information and telling everyone they can tell it to. Now what’s the sad thing about this part is they are playing the angel the entire time. They will even go as far as removing anyone from your life that will take the light off of them thus becoming the “sabotaging” snake. This is the snake I dislike the most. The “sabotaging” snake will smile in your face and destroy everything in your life when you turn your back. Just so they appear the savior. Pay close attention to people’s actions, they can only be something they aren’t for a short amount of time. The third type of snake I want to discuss is the “cheating” snake. This breed of serpent can be found in or out of your house. The one that’s in the house comes in the form of a boyfriend or family member that does everything in its spineless power to let the other snakes in. They open the door and have a party when you’re gone and then kick everyone out when they think you are coming. They are close in similarity to the “sabotaging” breed, but the only difference is they can hold their agendas hidden a bit longer because they have the ability to hold their new shape a lot longer... and I mean years. The “cheating” snake also goes after the newbies. You know the people that are new to a scene or city, and are the perfect prey. See the newbie doesn’t recognize the signs because they haven’t been in this environment and don’t know what to look for. The snake loves this because they can become anything or anyone they want and it will appear so genuine and the newbie isn’t gonna know until the shit hits the fan.

There are certain steps one can take to make sure that snakes don’t fester in their lawn and/or home. First step, keep your grass cut. Snakes love to hide in tall grass of blindness and the more you walk around with tall grass they will continue to follow and try to get you. Step two, start being able to see b/s from far away. There are so many of you that are so busy trying to prove a point or be something that you aren’t, that you are oblivious to all the harm that’s being done to you behind your back. Just stop for a second and look around. You’ll find that you have more snakes than you think. People are giving you all the signs you just have to have an open eye and stop it in its tracks. Being naïve is not cute nor will you get anywhere faster trying to play victim. If someone fools you more than once, then it is your fault that they keep getting away with it. Become a snake charmer…

Becoming a snake charmer means you play the music that they love to hear and when they come you snatch and punch em in the throat!! LOL!! Well not literally but you catch my drift. It’s time to start showing that the bullshit that has been going on for so many years needs to come to an end. When people stop being so conniving and nasty, and just being themselves rumors will cease, broken hearts will become fewer and fewer, and real friendships will blossom. So the next time you are getting ready to walk out of your door, look in all the cracks and crevices of your “home” and look in your lawn and see if see any slithering serpents. I’m sure you will…so get rid of em.

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