Monday, February 28, 2011

Your Name Makes You

You know I've come to realize that a lot of people don't know how detrimental their name can really be. It doesn't take winning a prize or becoming a millionaire for your name to get around faster than you do. And this can cause all different types of reactions from people upon your first encounter with them.

I say this because recently I had a conversation with friends and i just had to talk about this. Have you ever encountered someone that you didn't necessarily know upon first seeing them, but when a friend of yours mentioned their name all the attractiveness went out the window?? That's exactly what I am talking about. You've heard about every Tom, Dick and Harry that they've been with and they become an unattractive "hoe".

I am not that much older but the younger generation really pisses me off because when I am out I know about 80% of the shit that goes on in these little circles, and each and every one of them are combined and intertwined by atleast 2 of the people in them. Which is quite scary to me! This only lets me know that either most of either too immature to leave your friends dates alone, or too insecure to break the mold of what you see your friends doing. I have always been the one to date the person I found attractive and not my friends. That's for two reasons....1 I don't have to worry about them trying to talk to my partner and 2 I set my own accord to what I want. My friends aren't going to be the one that wakes up to my partner every morning so therefore they don't get to tell me what is attractive or not.

Sex is another thing that I find that a lot of you are using to intertwine this circles. You have these conversations about what happens, how good he was, how big his "meat" is and when you find that interesting, you secretly go after (and I find that you often succeed) the leftovers your friend, ex date, bestie as already experienced. Just down right NASTY if you ask me. Mind you the whole time, the boy who's getting all the ass, has a confidante (like myself) that they are telling all your business to. And thus, your reputation is built.

Now you are going around doing all this, and not even realizing that the decisions you are making in your personal relationships is gathering and gathering and making you look like something that you may not necessarily truly be because you are satisfying only the desires of your body and not your heart. Then you gain this maturity and are truly ready to settle down. But what happens is, you've been doing you for so long when it's time to settle down you, the ones that are truly worth your time don't want to be bothered because your name as been mentioned so often in the dirt around the city they don't even give you the time of day. Therefore you go thru all this time of being single trying to fix the reputation of false identity because of your past.

I just want some of you to really evaluate the decisions you make when starting to involve yourselves in these escapades of "relationships". Because what you think you are hiding, is actually presenting itself without your knowledge and can only damage your image faster than you think it will. Just mature and really evaluate the person you are about to date, or just have a one night (sometime multiple night)stand with. It only takes 1 second for you to become the "hoe" of the city.


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