Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Social Network 101

Why have the social networks become our personal diaries? Before MySpace, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and etc. were created what were we doing? Did we really care what was on the mind of others? Did we really care what shoe or song the next person downloaded or bought? When did we become so inclined to tell people we know, barely know and don't even know every single thought or emotion we felt? And on the other end, when did we on the receiving care to log in and check every 5 minutes? I ask these questions because I feel social networking has ruined the communication between humans, especially the ones that are building or trying to build a romantic relationship. Hell, even some friendships have been ruined by statements made on the sites. We see it everyday on television....Basketball Wives, Love and Hip Hop, TMZ and all "reality" shows. People have become so enthralled in giving the world insight on what's going on in there world, that they have stopped communicating with the people who really and truly care about their feelings. Look at it like this, if you are in a relationship and you aren't communicating with the person what happens? The relationship starts to crumble because the other person, who you claimed to love and wanna be with, starts to feel like they matter because you are giving all 3,000 of your friends, associates and strangers all information about who you are, what you're feeling and all visuals of you in the bathroom half naked that your relationship falters. Why did you stop communicating with the person. Why is the public more important than who is in your corner? You all see or hear me talk about my three C's toward a great relationship. If you haven't I'll discuss that next time. The first C is communication. Without communication you have a relationship where the two parties don't know anything about each other. A great relationship should involve two people who have the ability to talk about and discuss in detail everything from feelings to jealousies without judgement. I shouldn't have to go on Facebook or any other social network to see how my partner is feeling. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Give the person in your relationship your feelings and give them the opportunity to give their input. It will make your relationship so much stronger. Stop allowing the general public to weigh in on what's going on. Misery loves company. If you are in a relationship why give single people the opportunity to have you join them in the ranks of looking for something, when half the time they dont even know what they are looking for themselves because they spend so much of their time using statuses and Instagram posts looking for their next love. Relationships should also have a level of privacy where the general public, especially those already trying to break you up or the people you all call "haters", doesn't know how pissed off they've made you. And stop calling everyone a hater. People aren't hating on something you are allowing them to perceive as being true. If you are always pissed off, in your feelings, sad and depressed about something in YOUR relationship, we have nothing to hate on....we just see what you're relaying. There's the old saying "perception is reality", and if you give everyone the perception that your relationship is crumbling what do you think they are going to try to do? Now I'm not saying do the exact opposite and show people every kissy face, sleep in bed together, naked in the mirror together picture either. That is just as draining!! We don't or shouldn't care that much either. I say all of this so that we really start communicating and expressing ourselves with the person we want to be with. That is the stepping stone in allowing something strong and beautiful grow, so that social networks become a place just for that...socializing. A diary is something private that everyone isn't able to just check out like a book in the library. Don't allow the general public into your personal life so much that you lose someone you want to be with. Allow you and that person to know each other inside and out. Allow that person to be your diary. Give them everything, and let the networks be there for the fun.

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