Tuesday, September 28, 2010

TRUTH: Uncut

I had a very interesting conversation with one of my best friends about an epidemic of faultiness and nastiness going on this DC area and abroad in the homosexual community. First off let me say I call this person a best friend because I can trust this person with my deepest secrets and we can talk about anything from good, bad and indifferent. We know each other inside and out and truly love each other to death. In this conversation we had, we came to realize that we don’t understand a lot of the decisions that the younger and sometimes older generations make when it comes to “friends”, “lovers”, “fuck buddies”, “boyfriends”, “dates” and etc. We just don’t understand how a lot and mainly majority of you say you are so real, and not fake nor faulty, yet a lot of you are having dealings, whether sexually or flirtatiously with people you have no business doing so with. WRONG!!!! You are wrong and 9 times out of 10 you know it and don’t care.

I will take the DC area for instance because I live here and hear so much of what goes on. Yes when I say I know everything…I really do because the information is brought to me. I get information about people that I barely even know but they are somehow connected to 90% of the residents of this city that I do know or know of. I find that quite interesting and only because that same person is probably walking around playing the role of an angel when they’re an angel in disguise.

These people are users not opportunists like in my last post. These people use the people around them for their advantage and don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. They use their “friends” to get whatever it is they want, and in this case it’s their boyfriends or love interest happens to be the target. What I don’t understand is, how can you call someone your friend and listen to all the information they tell you about their relationship and go behind their back and sleep with the person who should be off limits to you?? I know the answer….JEALOUSY!!! You are jealous of what they have and want to taste it for yourself. You get one little morsel of what that person has to offer and forget about all the morals or lack thereof that you have in that inconsiderate mind of yours. The only other thing I can fathom in my mind is that you are too insecure to go out and find your own, so you have to be conniving and go behind the backs of those who have spent time building a relationship and tear apart what they have because you want to walk in their shoes for the 5 minutes of pleasure you receive. Even worse, you return for more making the situation worse and continue to smile and ke-ke with your so-called “sister”.

Now you boyfriends aren’t any better. Why get into these relationships that you don’t want to be in only to cheat and break the heart of someone you so-called loved. I find that you young people use the word love too loosely to fill a void of something you haven’t gotten in your past. Most of you don’t love yourselves enough to understand what love is, and yet you throw the word around like it doesn’t hold any weight. You play the role but don’t live it and expect for others to just sit around and be dumb and naïve to all the bullshit you kick. Well not here, I don’t want it and I’m pretty sure the person you claim to be with doesn’t either. Just be honest and tell the person from the beginning what you want and expect, and if a relationship isn’t that, then just be honest and tell the other party. I just don’t understand the point of living a lie.

I also feel this is the exact reason why the HIV/AIDS percentage rate keeps skyrocketing. I understand that everyone makes mistakes and it is no one’s intention on contracting the illness, but once you have been tested and a positive result is the outcome, you’re mindset should change. This is what I feel is not happening. I think people feel like they have to become a new person that is heartless and gives up and just does whatever they want. Let me stop here and just say that this is my opinion and you don’t have to agree but I express how I feel. I know way too many people that are HIV positive that are out here doing things that they know damn well what they are doing is wrong and feel that they have clear justification for their actions. Now I know most of you feel that you are grown and can do whatever the hell you please, and that may be true, but there are people’s lives at stake and you come across the right one then your life will become at stake if you catch my drift. My point is just be careful and take care of yourselves. On the other hand stop being so damn nasty and sleeping with everyone. I don’t know anyone who wants to be with someone that every time they go to a ball, city, pride event, or just in conversation with their friends and your name is the first thing that pops up when sex is brought up. That’s just nasty and it doesn’t help your reputation or character. Get to know yourself and you won’t have to become the shadow of someone else. No one is original anymore, and everyone wants to look and say and be someone else because of what one person has. WACK!!! Why the hell would you want what someone else has when you can have what they have and more by just being yourself? Think about that…..

There are so many of you that just don’t have any self respect for yourselves and me personally don’t wanna be bothered with people of your character. The old cliché says “birds of a feather, flock together” and I am the type of bird that there is only one of that kind of species and I don’t want to be caught up in the swarm of you vultures that just take and have nothing to offer. My feathers are too bright and I will not accept you or your dusty claws into my nest.


  1. I totally agree. I have had to let several "friends" go because I dont want people thinking we are two of a kind. But I often wondering the same thing there are so many young people that have no regard for their own life let alone anothers whether and its disturbing and frightening. What are we to do??
